June 29
AbbVie (ABBV) – Partial Covered Strangle
I have an open covered call trade on Abbvie and sold some naked puts to set up a partial covered strangle.
June 30
Starbucks (SBUX) – Partial Covered Strangle
The price of SBUX was down about 0.5% so I sold some naked puts which, combined with my covered calls, established a partial covered strangle.

July 01
Disney (DIS) – Opened Covered Calls
With my Market Meter providing a reading of 10, I am selecting strike prices for my covered calls a little higher in the past.
Abbott Laboratories (ABT) – Closed Naked Put
I bought back the ABT naked put for a small profit and that trade converts my partial covered strangle back to a covered call.
AbbVie (ABBV) – Rolled Covered Call
I rolled my ABBC covered calls by buying back the Jul-16 $120.00 calls for $0.08 and selling Aug-20 $120.00 calls for $1.14.
As always, you can see my open trades at anytime here.