Investing Update for the Week Ending October 28, 2022

by | Oct 30, 2022 | Systematic trader

As I noted last week, if the prices of US equities rose this week my models would increase allocations to SPY and IWM. You will note in the table further below that allocations to both of those ETFs did increase very modestly. As the models I use have allocation selection dates spread out over a one-month period, it will take a month for me to get to a full allocation to any particular ETF. For what it is worth, my guess is that my models will have a higher allocation to US equities next week.

Interestingly, conditions have now been met for me to purchase individual US stocks but none passed all my filters this past week. That is, in part, due to the current earnings reporting which is taking place. If a stock passes my filters but the company will report earnings in the next 30 days I won’t buy it. That saves me from the stock price volatility which can occur immediately after a company reports earnings.


Tactical Asset Allocations

Tactical Asset Allocation Table