Investing Update for the Week Ending February 23, 2024

by | Feb 23, 2024 | Systematic trader

It was a positive week as my global multi-strategy ETF model rose by 1.44% vs 0.95% for the 60/40 model. There is no change in the allocation as my model remains 100% allocated to QQQ for the 15th consecutive week.

The QQQ trade has provided a great boost to my model but a drawdown is coming. How deep and for how long is unknown but it will happen. When it does take place, nothing will change with how my model invests. That is how systematic trading works. You have to follow the rules. Sometimes, it feels great when following the rules provides such a stellar return as my model has experienced recently. There will be times when following the rules provides a lackluster or even a negative return. You have to be prepared mentally for that.